Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Years Eve 2010

New Years Eve was a blast my boyfriend and I had fun. Kisses all over and a bottle of Jack what is better then that? lol We went out in town in Orange County NY to a bar called The Old Eerie then went on to some other bars in town, and it was the best time of our lives since we haven't gone out in months, and last New Years i was pregnant and my boyfriend was in Miami. Ever since i gave birth too my son it's like I'm grandma now lol. I hope everyone had a Rockin and safe New Years this year. Also i got to wear my new WIG and it looked fabulous on me, and i was so glad that it didn't fall off when i was dancing cause drunk people don't pay attention too whats going on lmao... Rock On peeps I'm out...

Mandie Lee

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