Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dumb Ass Fake Parents

I Remember seeing the news and all they spoke about was that poor little girl Caylee the case against Casey. That crazy bitch i was watching it and it made me sick. I couldn't stop thinking about it, (I feel that she wanted to go out to party and she didn't find a babysitter so she gave her daughter something to sleep like cough syrup and put her in the trunk while she went to party she for got that she left her in there, because she was so drunk the night before she found her dead in her trunk.) She was out partying

The young little girl Haleigh the one they clam was take from her bed at night and that the kidnapper came through the back door and left it open. I don't know but that girl looks about 15 and shes dating that guy who looks about 30 (OK that's grows) but i believe that the little girl is dead, I feel that this young girl may have hurt her boyfriend's daughter. Maybe she didn't know how to handle a child they can be bratty a times but parents you have to be careful. Haleigh's father's wife knows what happened to her. She looks like she loves the cameras being around her like she planned to become famous because of this little girl Haleigh's disappearance.

Little boy Hasanni Campbell he was 5 years old who is presumed dead and that his foster parents Louis Ross and Jennifer Campbell did it. (First how old are they, they don't look dumb so what the hell) This poor kid was 5 and didn't have his real family around. Foster parents should not foster a child for the money children need love so don't foster a child if your not really in it to help and love that child.... (I hope that this is child is found i really hope and pray he is alive.)

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