Sunday, September 6, 2009


We should be also blaming the people who created a small computer on your phone (so that you could be up every ones ass all day long).
I use to text all the time to my friend Ari, but not like every 5 mins (come on) i would text her when i went on a break at work or when i was
walking down the street on my way home. But i really think people should chil out with the texting and driving just dont do it (Stop thinking your superman or/woamn ). Why cant people ever think about others now and days? We are careing less and less about each other we are already labled "Anamiles" by a Mr. Sigmund Freud ( We know he's a Taurus, all they think about is sex and money lmao) People are dumb somethimes, people keep creating things we dont fucking need really. Maybe if we didnt have teleavions and computers we would have less over weight people, and more smart people.

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