Saturday, September 5, 2009

How To Open A Teen Center ?

I really want to start a community club for teens in my town. My town is small (it’s a everybody knows everybody’s business type of town). Well most teens don’t have anything to do in this town, and when teens have nothing better to do they end up in trouble such as, jail, pregnant, drug addition or even dead. So I want to open my own teen club I want to find others who want to volunteer there time to the teens in our community. The teens could chose from music, dancing, acting (Theater, television ) Math, History, Art, maybe even fashion and design (lol). The teens need help to be guided , they need help from an adult, now and days parents don’t pay attention to there teens like they should. I want to help them and show them they can become anyone they want , that they could choose a different life then there parents or older brothers and sisters. It’s hard these days since we are all having a little trouble with money. I should know I’m a full time student and have a baby boy, and pampers are not cheap (O.K.). I did lots of things in my life that I’m proud of and not so proud of, but life goes on and you cant dwell in the past you need to keep it moving. So I want to help the teens around my community where should I go to ask for it ? Let me know if you have any idea’s Rock on and have a lovely Rocking day peps….

Ms. Mandie Lee

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